star signs star signs


Monthly Horoscope for April 2024


Deep feelings resonate when you talk to friends about matters that are important to you, sympathy passes to and fro. Changes that may have taken place force you to plan your life differently, and there is a need to have a new set of aims, but you are an adaptable sort, and with Venus in your zone of friendships, hopes, and goals for most of the month, you forge ahead with plans, and friends are more than supportive, your relationship to them is second to none, also your family give you advice when it is asked for. There is a focus on your partner and others you interact with, you share a sadness or something that evokes sympathy, for some of you a career project captures all your attention and fills you with enthusiasm. Mars continuing its journey in your sector of career ensures a busy phase that lasts all month, you work within limits of what is possible and it is all consuming, you leave negativity behind. With the pairing up of Jupiter and Uranus, there can be the unexpected in your private life, also a total Solar Eclipse opens up a new phase for friendships and your goals, it brings new challenges and fresh optimism. On the 20th the Sun moves to your most private sector, reflecting changes that require thought or obstacles to be surmounted.